The desire to save money is ultimately a good thing. In an effort to save money paying for professional services, many homeowners look online to learn skills and DIY fixes as much as they can. Is grout repair something that is easy to DIY, though?
One thing that greatly impacts how DIY friendly a task is are the tools required for the job. If you move forward with a job without the proper tools, it can make it much more labor intensive and time consuming and sometimes achieving professional results is impossible without the right tools. Here are some of the specific tools that you need to repair grout.
● Striking Tool
● Reciprocating Saw
● Paint Brush
● Rubber Grout Float
● Sponge
● Shop Vac
Some of these tools you may already have in your toolbox or your garage, but others you may not. Some of these tools are pretty grout and tile specific. So, take into consideration how often you will use a tool before you invest in one.
Of course, in today’s day and age you can learn any skill you want. Thanks to free resources like the library and the internet, you can learn anything you are interested in with ease. To do something well, however, you need experience in addition to know-how. Some tasks you can nail on the first go but other ones require a bit more finesse. In regards to grout repair, if you fail on the first go around or something is not up to your standards once you are finished, it is not going to be easy to fix. It will require you to start the process all over again. This will result in added time, money, and frustration to your project. Other things you may not be aware of if you do not have years of experience are knowing which grout is best suited for different areas and the difference between sanded, non-sanded, and epoxy grout.
So, is grout repair easy? Based on what we have discussed today, you can decide. If you decide that you want clean, professional grout lines that will stand the test of time from the beginning, give The Grout Medic a call. We would love to help. Our services are budget friendly and are completed with minimal disruption to your daily routine.
By Grout Medic 11-3-2022